product model

StockMaster Mezzalad

Designed and Tested to comply with the Australian ladder manufacturing standard AS 1892.1:2008. EN131 -Parts 1 & 2 of the harmonised European ladder manufacturing standard, the CE – Machinery directive and the US standard ANSI-ASC A14.2-2007

Professional quality access equipment available across Australia through our extensive distributor network, and exported to our partners in New Zealand, Asia, UAE and Europe.

StockMaster Mezzalad

Mezzanine Access Ladder

StockMaster Mezzalad features a space saving mechanism which allows it to be stored flat against the wall when not in use, and is bought to the use position with a simple lift and pull action.

The sixty centimeter wide step provides comfortable access and two hand rails are included for safe and easy climbing. The hand rails extend ninety centimetre beyond the upper floor enabling safe step through access to the upper floor while maintaining a hand hold.

A Safety Gate is provided at the upper floor level to maintain the integrity of the perimeter railing. All risks associated with operating the gate while standing on the ladder are eliminated and the gate may be opened or closed with the operator standing fully on the upper floor.

The ladder is fastened at the upper floor level. Installation is simple with two universal brackets. Fastening is made either to the upper floor or wall and the ladder may be secured with bolts or screws. The ladder may be used at multiple locations by use of additional bracket sets. See Mezz-Brackets

Mezzalad stores flat against the wall and is bought to the use position with a simple lift and pull action.

The 600 mm step width provides comfortable access, and two hand rails are included for safe and easy climbing.

A Safety Gate is provided at the upper floor level to maintain the integrity of the perimeter railing

Mezzalad utilises the space you have paid for!

Mezzalad is produced in two separate series to suit all floor heights between 1.31 to 4.28 meters. The VH series is available in four sizes and suits the most popular floor heights between 2.33 to 3.225 meters.

The CM series (manufactured to order) is available in eleven sizes to suit the remaining floor heights in the range. Please Note: CM series is available in Asia Pacific only.

StockMaster Mezzalift makes the ideal companion for StockMaster Mezzalad

StockMaster Mezzalift provides for goods transport to the mezzanine floor. The combination of these products also provides the opportunity to make use of space above factory offices and tea Rooms etc.

Mezzalad is designed to comply with relative elements of Australian Standard AS 1892:1.2018 for portable metal ladders.


Provides access to Mezzanine floors and space above offices, tea rooms, etc.
Stores out of the way when not in use with a simple lift and push action
Includes an upper floor gate and two hand rails to assist safe and easy climbing
Is fast and simple to install with two universal fixing brackets and two bolt fixing
Is designed and tested to a 150 kg load rating

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are StockMaster Ladders Manufactured
StockMaster products are proudly designed, manufactured, and tested in Australia by The Custom Ladder Company based in the regional centre of Queanbeyan, New South Wales
Do StockMaster Ladders Comply with standards
StockMaster products are manufactured to comply with AS 1892.1:2018 (Australian ladder manufacturing standard), EN131 -Parts 1 & 2 (harmonised European ladder manufacturing standard) , the CE – Machinery directive and US standard ANSI-ASC A14.2-2007
What is the Load Rating on StockMaster Ladders
StockMaster products are all 150Kg load rated and tested, exceeding the performance requirements of the Australian standard AS 1892:1
Can i Buy Spare or Replacement Parts
A comprehensive list of spare parts and accessories is available right here on this website. Alternately send us an email with some images of your unit and what you believe you need, and we can contact you and aid in selecting the correct part.


Please see below links for Size and Selection data, Health and Safety, Risk Assessments and Product Brochures.

why choose us

30 Years Experience
Customer Satisfaction
Experience & Integrity
Quality Manufacturing
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Let’s Start Work Together

(02) 6299 2646

29 Lorn Road
Crestwood, QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620
8.00AM – 4.30PM
Monday – Friday


Quick Enquiry

Send us a message and we will reply to you ASAP.


    Technical Data and Size Selection

    The following information is a guide. For further help, consult your dealer.


    Selection of the correct StockMaster model and size for your task requires a knowledge of both the operating environment and the application. Read the Operating Environment and Application data below and then choose your size from the chart at the end of this page.

    Point of Attachment

    Any structure being part of a building must comply with relevant building codes. Any independent structure such as a free standing mezzanine must be capable of withstanding a horizontally applied force of 120 kg in any direction at the point of attachment.

    Service Height

    Stockmaster Mezzalad adapts to any floor height within a given range by automatically adjusting the angle of incline between 60 and 70 degrees to the floor. Service heights are given in the table below.

    The Operating Space

    Pull Out Clearance
    In the open or use position Mezzalad requires space for the user to safely mount and dismount the ladder. When standing in front of the ladder the minimum desirable distance between the base of the ladder and any wall or obstruction behind the user is 0.8 meters and should not be less than 0.6 meters.

    Pull out dimensions are given in the specifications below. For use in confined areas, check the available operating space and consult your dealer who can provide you with the exact pull out dimension for your installation.

    Overhead Clearance
    When moving from the open to the closed or stored position the height of the ladder above the upper floor will increase. The increase in height will depend on the angle of incline of the ladder to the floor when in the open or use position. The maximum 
    Stored Height above the Upper Floor is given in the specifications table below. For use in confined areas, check the available operating space and if necessary consult your dealer who can provide you with the exact Stored Height above Upper Floor dimension for your installation.

    Upper Floor Intrusion
    When moving from the closed to the open or use position the ladder will intrude into the upper floor area. The degree of intrusion will depend on the angle of incline of the ladder to the floor when in the open or use position. The minimum and maximum 
    Intrusion into Upper Floor dimensions are given in the specification drawings in the Dimension diagrams below. If necessary consult your dealer who can provide you with the exact Upper Floor Intrusion dimension for your installation.

    Principal Applications

    Mezzalad is designed for personnel access between floor levels including access to Mezzanines, Lofts, Loading Docks and Storage Areas above Factory Offices and Tea Rooms etc. The product is not intended for use to convey large or heavy items between floor levels and conveyance of items must be limited to small and light items that can be carried in one hand and permit a three point contact when ascending or descending the ladder.


    This product does not substitute for stair access where required under the building code.

    StockMaster Mezzalad Dimensions


    StockMaster Mezzalad Size Selection
