product model

StockMaster Mezzalift

Designed and Tested to comply with the Australian ladder manufacturing standard AS 1892.1:2008. EN131 -Parts 1 & 2 of the harmonised European ladder manufacturing standard, the CE – Machinery directive and the US standard ANSI-ASC A14.2-2007

Professional quality access equipment available across Australia through our extensive distributor network, and exported to our partners in New Zealand, Asia, UAE and Europe.

StockMaster Mezzalift

The cost-effective goods lift for mezzanine floors and other elevated work and storage areas.

Using a simple winding mechanism a single operator can easily move items weighing up to sixty kilos. A reliable manually operated winch automatically brakes the load when the winch handle is released. Maintenance costs are minimal and there is no down time for charging of batteries.

The dangerous practice of carrying items up or down a ladder is eliminated and the lift table can be positioned to allow a constant working height for positioning of stacked loads.

A reliable manually operated winch transfers loads up to 60Kg

Mezzalift adjusts in length to suit the height of the mezzanine.

For safe transfer of small items always use a picking bin.

StockMaster Mezzalift improves safety and is easy to install.

Mezzalift is fast and simple to install with fixing required at only two locations. A high visibility safety rail system is provided at ground level to eliminate the possibility of standing under the Mezzalift lift table.

Mezzalift has an adjustable section at the floor level to ensure correct operating height at the mezzanine floor. The length is adjusted to place the lift table at waist height for easy loading and unloading.

StockMaster Mezzalad makes the ideal companion for StockMaster Mezzalift

StockMaster Mezzalad provides for personnel access to the mezzanine floor and goods can then be transport to the mezzanine floor using the Mezzalift. The combination of these products also provides the opportunity to make use of space above factory offices and tea Rooms etc.


Provides safe easy goods transport to Mezzanine floors and space above offices, tea rooms, etc.
Is length adjustable to suit the mezzanine floor height
Handles loads up to 60 kg with ease
Is fast and simple to install with two only two fixing locations
Includes high visibility safety railing at the floor level


Please see below links for Size and Selection data, Health and Safety, Risk Assessments and Product Brochures.

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30 Years Experience
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(02) 6299 2646

29 Lorn Road
Crestwood, QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620
8.00AM – 4.30PM
Monday – Friday


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    Technical Data and Size Selection

    The following information is a guide. For further help, consult your dealer.


    Selection of the correct StockMaster model and size for your task requires a knowledge of both the operating environment and the application. Read the Operating Environment and Application data below and then choose your size from the chart at the end of this page.


    StockMaster Mezzalift requires permanent fixing at ground level and also at the upper floor level. The points of attachment to any structure being part of a building must comply with relevant building codes. Any independent structure such as a free-standing mezzanine must be capable of withstanding a horizontally applied force of 120 kg in any direction at the point of attachment.

    Service Height

    StockMaster Mezzalift adapts to any floor height within a given range by adjustment to mast length. This is provided by an indexing mechanism at base of the product. The product must be selected and height adjusted so that the lift table when positioned at the maximum lift height will be equal to or slightly higher than the perimeter railing at the upper floor. 

    The Operating Surface

    The operating space at the upper floor must be sufficient to enable loading of goods to a safe location and not abutting the perimeter railing. Overhead clearance must be sufficient to allow the operator adopt a normal standing position without crouching.

    Principal Applications

    Moderate to light frequency transfer of goods to mezzanine floors and other work and storage areas.
    Mezzalift is ideal for this application as it offers a cost effective solution and safe solution for moderate frequency goods transfer typically for items that are infrequently accessed. For safe working items should not exceed 20 kg. maximum with the maximum total load being 60 kg.

    StockMaster Mezzalift Dimensions