product model

StockMaster Omni

Designed and Tested to comply with the Australian ladder manufacturing standard AS 1892.1:2008. EN131 -Parts 1 & 2 of the harmonised European ladder manufacturing standard, the CE – Machinery directive and the US standard ANSI-ASC A14.2-2007

Professional quality access equipment available across Australia through our extensive distributor network, and exported to our partners in New Zealand, Asia, UAE and Europe.

StockMaster Omni

All Terrain Mobile Platform Ladder – a simply better mobile platform ladder!

StockMaster Omni is a safe portable and strong mobile platform ladder. When you need a platform ladder indoors or outdoors Omni is the platform ladder you can take anywhere.

With two large wheels and a single control for braking and steering StockMaster Omni moves easily in the open position without lifting or dragging. Simply pull up the control and move it. Release the control and Omni is braked automatically and there is no risk of moving as you commence to climb the ladder.
All instability found with platform ladders that use spring loaded castors is eliminated and there is no movement when you work on the platform.

Omni moves easily over most surfaces and allows you to carry your tools

Omni saves time moving quickly and easily around the job

Omni Pro features a combination Safety Gate and Tool Tray creating a functional and safe work station

An Omni mobile platform ladder goes everywhere!

Take Omni from place to place on the worksite with no more lifting or carrying. Indoors or outdoors simply tow it behind you, – over concrete, gravel or grass and use your free hand for your tool box, or whatever else you need.

Fold it, and transport it in your Ute or on Roof Racks and when your not using it, simply hang it up, or store it flat against a wall.

Step up to the StockMaster Omni PRO

StockMaster Omni Pro features a Tool Tray and easy-use Safety Gate at the platform entry. Simply step onto the platform and open or close the gate without turning around and you are protected from accidentally stepping off the front of the platform.

Omni is built strong to last, with a load rating of 150 kilos, and is designed to meet the requirements of the Australian Standard AS 1892.1:2018 & European Standard EN 131: Parts 1 and 2.


Easy to transport
Can be used on a wide range of surfaces
Move quickly and easily around and to the job
Enable carrying your toolbox instead of the ladder
Designed and tested to a 150 kg load rating
Meet Australian, US and European Union Standards


Please see below links for Size and Selection data, Health and Safety, Risk Assessments and Product Brochures.

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30 Years Experience
Customer Satisfaction
Experience & Integrity
Quality Manufacturing
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(02) 6299 2646

29 Lorn Road
Crestwood, QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620
8.00AM – 4.30PM
Monday – Friday


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    Technical Data and Size Selection

    The following information is a guide. For further help, consult your dealer.


    Selection of the correct StockMaster model and size for your task requires a knowledge of both the operating environment and the application. Read the Operating Environment and Application data below and then choose your size from the chart at the end of this page.

    The Operating Surface

    The two-wheel footprint of Omni enables movement over a wide range of surfaces including sealed and unsealed surfaces and slopes.

    The Operating Space

    In the open position Omni requires space for the operator to move to the left or right of the unit in order to steer it and the turning circle varies with the platform height. For use in in confined areas, check the available operating space.

    Also check for –

    • Height of doorways and overhead structures.
    • Space for turning at the end of storage bays.
    • Space for movement in aisles and between machinery and fixtures.

    Principal Applications

    Construction and Maintenance or Inspection 
    Omni is ideal for these applications as it is able to operate over a wide range of Operating Surfaces and the degree of maneuverability is not usually a critical factor. The ability to fold the ladder enables easy transport by a motor vehicle.

    Picking and Shelf Stocking
    Omni is suitable for this application subject to the items to be handled being small, light and generally able to be carried in one hand. For other items see StockMaster Navigator or StockMaster Lift-Truk.


    The platform of Omni is inclined to the operating surface in the mobile mode and therefore must not be used as a trolley for the transport of goods.

    StockMaster Omni & OmniPRO Dimensions
